I’m Nicholas

I’ve struggled with same-sex attraction for as long as I can remember. Being at Living Hope has redefined my view of the words “church” and “grace.” Living Hope redefined what I thought about church, it also opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of God’s grace for me.

When the Stadium Clears, Where Do I Stand?

by Erica I grew up in a fairly progressive school environment and was 15 when gay marriage became legalized, so the concept of being gay was always lingering for me.  Also, around that time is when I began attending a youth group. Following some trauma in my life, I was searching for answers to life’s […]

LHM Under Attack: Here’s The Truth

Living Hope Ministries (LHM), and ministries like LHM, are under attack.  Because LHM stands on God’s Word and design for human sexuality, our mere existence is a threat to those promoting beliefs and behaviors that fall far outside God’s Word and design. As a result, blogs, articles, podcasts, vodcasts, books, and even a “documentary” has recently been produced which specifically names LHM and me, as its leader, and assigning to us all manner of ill motivations, intentions, control, manipulation, and even harm. These accusations are blatantly false and represent a reinterpretation of reality in hopes of making the work of LHM illegal.

How to Love LGBTQIA+ Friends and Family Yet Not Affirm Their Choices

by Marsha Inman, Friends and Family Director A recurring question that we are asked here at Living Hope is “How do I show love to my child or loved one when I cannot affirm their gay or transgender identity?” The friends and family members who search out Living Hope are committed to their child or […]

5 Needs In Difficult Times

In the midst of difficult times, we have needs which God intends to meet. His love for us offers us guidance, hope, and peace for our future. This article explores five essential needs we have in these difficult times and how God can meet those needs.

The Missing Message of Christmas

God’s solution to our dilemma came in the form of a helpless Savior, the Messiah, who would save the people from their sin.  But His coming was only possible, because two young, faithful God-followers, were willing to surrender themselves to something they knew was true, but couldn’t prove.  Yes, they had centuries of promises, prophecies, and scripture to guide their thinking (and we have even more), but ultimately they had to surrender everything they felt and thought they knew to allow what God revealed to them.
Christmas is a story of surrender. 

Chicken Sandwiches, LGBTQIA+, and our Hope

by Ricky Chelette I rarely address issues that are breaking in the news. But, the recent announcement of Chick-Fil-A’s withdrawal of support for the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes signals one more momentary win for the forces of darkness against the forces of light.  Once again, pressure from the pro-LGBTQ+ community, media, […]

When The World Goes Dark The Light Shines Brighter

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director In recent months, LGBT activists and allies have made a concerted effort to silence the voice of LHM in the public arena. A campaign was launched by one individual and was quickly picked up by others who wrote over seventy articles on multiple continents that declared LHM to be a […]