Three Questions We All Answer

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director My recent conversations with adults and youth all over the country have convinced me that there are questions we all answer, often without any conscious realization or thought. These questions are foundational, and they determine the way we perceive and live our lives. We cannot ignore them. How we answer them, however, […]

The Missing Message of Christmas

God’s solution to our dilemma came in the form of a helpless Savior, the Messiah, who would save the people from their sin.  But His coming was only possible, because two young, faithful God-followers, were willing to surrender themselves to something they knew was true, but couldn’t prove.  Yes, they had centuries of promises, prophecies, and scripture to guide their thinking (and we have even more), but ultimately they had to surrender everything they felt and thought they knew to allow what God revealed to them.
Christmas is a story of surrender. 

Chicken Sandwiches, LGBTQIA+, and our Hope

by Ricky Chelette I rarely address issues that are breaking in the news. But, the recent announcement of Chick-Fil-A’s withdrawal of support for the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes signals one more momentary win for the forces of darkness against the forces of light.  Once again, pressure from the pro-LGBTQ+ community, media, […]

When The World Goes Dark The Light Shines Brighter

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director In recent months, LGBT activists and allies have made a concerted effort to silence the voice of LHM in the public arena. A campaign was launched by one individual and was quickly picked up by others who wrote over seventy articles on multiple continents that declared LHM to be a […]

Open Letter to Tim Cook and Apple from an LHM member

Mr. Cook, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits leaving the Holidays, this was the first Christmas I’ve gotten to spend with my family for some time. I’ve had a lot of difficulties loving my family or having grace on them for not “getting me” in my childhood. Living Hope Ministries (LHM) in […]

A Different Gospel

Ricky Chelette, Executive Director The term “gospel” is thrown around a lot these days. In some ways, its familiarity has apparently diluted its true meaning. Once a noun that identified the life, teaching, and work of Jesus for the redemption of mankind, it has now become more an adjective to describe movements, attire, books, community, […]

Coming Out

Do you have a coming out story? So many people do these days. Each one is boldly posted on our favorite social media platform and affirmed by a plethora of positive comments proclaiming the individual’s bravery, courage, and authenticity, ultimately declaring them as the latest …

Finding Truth Amidst Contradictions

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director We live in a world so filled with contradictions that finding truth can seem challenging. People clamor for diversity but insist on ideological conformity. Others cry for inclusion but quickly exclude anyone not fully adherent to their feelings and thoughts. Autonomy and individuality are worshiped as empowerment, while protesters extoll […]

Celebration Fundraising Banquet Oct. 21

In a day when truth is a rare commodity, Living Hope Ministries has continued to stand strong on the Word of God and His truth to transform lives through the power of the Gospel. You are invited to attend our annual LHM Celebration Fundraising Banquet Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Pkwy, Dallas, TX 75225 October […]

LHM’s Retreats Help Participants Draw Near to God

Young Adult Retreat 2017 Each year Living Hope Ministries holds two retreats in the first quarter of the year. One is for our young adults, 18-26, and one for those 27+ and friends, family and spouses of those who struggle.  Our retreats seek to deepen each person’s walk with the Lord by taking time away from our […]